Igor Beuker
Igor Beuker Top Business Trendwatcher




Why is leveraging the power of trendwatching the lifeline for established brands?

Digital Darwinism is the phenomenon in which trends, technologies, consumers and society evolve faster than established brands can adapt. It’s a fate that also threatens governments, institutions, and all other corporate organizations. Today, tomorrow and in the unforeseeable future.

Modern companies like Airbnb, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Netflix and Tesla all realize that trends are now more valuable than ever before. They have contracted dedicated trendwatchers, that’s why they keep coining the limitless business opportunities of the 21st century.

Their ROI? They are innovating on a scale that we have never seen before, embracing exponential growth that is unprecedented in human history. True Math Men don’t rely on advertising, because it might win them a few quarters. They rely on trend-driven innovation, because it will win them decades.

All Math Men are leveraging the power of trendwatching to fuel their marketing and business strategies. They don’t bitch about business cases, they are the business case. It’s their trend-driven, opportunity-seizing innovation culture that is disrupting and demolishing incumbent brands.

Legacy brands usually fail to significantly coin the trends. That’s why they are slipping away every day. The lifespan for Fortune 500s is declining at a pace we’ve never seen before. Growth by entering a new business fails 99% of the time. It will cause a number of bankruptcies that is incomparable in economic history.

Mad Men seem delusional when it comes to trends. Blockbuster, Kodak and Nokia neglected trends forever. Against all odds, they kept spending billions of dollars on advertising, IBM consultants, old skool R&D, paid panels and backward-looking market research. Still they lost.

The C-level suite at established brands seem like numb gamblers at a roulette table. They know they need to place bets to win, but they have no idea where to put their chips. As a result, they stagnate. And next they hear: ‘rien ne va plus’. Or worse: ‘Game Over’.

For the brands that accept the hard fact that being an incumbent is going to increasingly be the worst thing to be in this digital economy, there’s great news.

The winning roulette numbers are now available to you.

Igor’s bold, highly advanced, reinvented trendwatching methodology has proven to be the biggest differentiator between companies that win and companies that don’t.

The biggest payouts will go to those brands that adapt to his trend-driven innovation framework.

Leading brands like Nike, Starbucks and L'Oréal explore the trends through Igor’s Math Man lens. What sets him apart?

Igor is different from the hip and funky trendwatchers. He doesn’t just see, talk or write about trends, he coins them. First his Math Man lens on trends made and saved brands billions, next it made him millions in exits. It’s his track record as a new-breed trendwatcher that stands out.

Beyond his sixth sense for the digital economy, audiences around the globe tweet about Igor’s authentic, reliable and independent voice. At 2,500+ international conferences and on Twitter, he is frequently a trending topic as Math Man in a world of Mad Men.

Igor always refused to allow his business strategies to rely on conventional wisdom, paid panels and polls. They give us blind spots and unexpected outcomes, like Brexit and Trump. Or unpleasant surprises, like Blockbuster, Kodak and Nokia. Sure, data don’t vote, but fools with tools are still fools.

As a digital hybrid, who’s brilliant at the monetization of marketing, trends and technologies, Igor reinvented trendwatching by applying a new framework, advanced technologies, algorithms and AI. This enabled him to turn actionable foresights into new business models.

With his Math Man vision and proprietary trend-forecasting methodology, Igor differentiated, disrupted and transformed dozens of established brands into future-proof market leaders. His work includes award-winning marketing innovation strategies for Amazon, Unilever, Nike, Starbucks and L’Oréal.

These combined differentiators are why media, established brands and global business leaders labeled Igor as a new-breed trendwatcher.

Discover a trend forecasting methodology and data-driven decision making framework that will fuel your acceleration.

How to demystify an unorthodox but unparalleled trend-forecasting methodology and framework, without giving away the secret formula and IP?

In short, the methodology and framework are all about connecting the dots and coining the limitless business opportunities of the 21st century. Getting rid of your blind spots and white spots.

Of course, it all starts with scoping your brand’s needs, your business and industry challenges. Developed to give you tangible, actionable trend foresights that enable smarter, faster, data-driven decision-making.

Igor always starts with a scope of the ROI of innovation. What could be your Return on Investment? What offensive benefits can you extract from trends? How can we coin them to fuel exponential growth, by embracing disruptive new business models in time?

Igor will also show you the Risk of Inaction. How fast might your existing revenues and profits decline, if we don’t divert and differentiate your existing business model in time?

By following the smart money, mergers and acquisitions, the methodology can reveal the secret business strategy of your existing competitors. Where are they going and how will it impact your business? What should be your offensive and defensive strategy?

The framework can also reveal how your future competition is shaping up for tomorrow. Which startups, trends and technologies are getting investment dollars from the exponentially growing powerhouses like Airbnb, Amazon, Facebook and Google. How will this impact your business and what will be your moves?

Why is Facebook investing billions in technologies like VR? Why have you labeled VR as not relevant for your business? What will you lose when you snooze? How much is Google investing in trends and technologies, and how deep will they go into health, retail and fintech?

Consumer trends, marketing and media trends, digital trends and technologies (AI, VR, AR, 3D, IoT, Wearables, Robots, Drones) will keep disrupting all industries. Across all markets.

Today’s Digital Darwinism is all about being prepared and in the know. Get your intel right, and identify who will hijack your market or your industry, with the risk of demolishing your existing business model. Don’t become Blockbuster, Kodak or Nokia.

Most established brands have no answer when they are asked: “Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?” Intelligence is the capacity to adapt to change. The ability to accelerate in the era of chaos and change.

As Math Man in a world of Mad Men, Igor has the experience, track record, skills, methodology, and framework to move you away from advertising, towards a model that is all about trend-driven innovation and acceleration.

Chaos creates predictable opportunities, but monetizing the trends is an art. Grasping your lifeline would be really smart.

Require a Math Man lens on trends? Want to coin the business trends of the 21st century?

Are you ready to reinvent your business at the speed of change? Are you excited to turn trend-driven innovation into new business models and prepared for unlimited acceleration?

Most of Igor’s trendwatching services – like trend keynotes and trend sessions - are transparently packaged with fixed prices. There will be no unpleasant Mad Men surprises, no stretching, no lock-ins and no extra hours.

Trends reports, trendwatching subscriptions, trend-driven innovation programs (startups on request and tech incubation programs) will involve analyzing large data sets to spot your emerging trends ahead of the curve. They are tailored and upon request.

Reach out and request Igor’s availability, services and rates using our booking form. Here, you can also specify your needs, upload your briefing and design your own trend program.

Brands who hired Igor for trendwatching services have also hired him for inspiring speeches, game-changing master classes and strategic consulting.