igor beuker

Tagged: technology


A Tribute To Futurist Alvin Toffler – Author Of Future Shock

Igor Beuker - February 11, 2019

Perhaps the greatest futurist of his time, Alvin Toffler is best known for his best-selling book Future Shock (1970). As a guru of the post-industrial age, Toffler’s radical vision inspired many global (business) leaders....

Legendary Stephan Hawking about robots, jobs, AI, and capitalism - Keynote Speaker Igor Beuker

Tech & AI vs. Humanity: Stephen Hawking’s Last Stirring Words

Igor Beuker - March 19, 2018

Legendary English physicist, cosmologist, author, and award-winning mastermind Stephen Hawking’s last stirring words to the internet really touched me. Two years ago, his last post was to the public internet forum a Reddit AMA,...

10 Retail Marketing Trends From DMF Dubai by Pro Public Speaker Igor Beuker

DMF Dubai: Igor Beuker Explores Trends In Retail & eCommerce

Igor Beuker - March 19, 2015

In my keynote at Digital Media Forum Dubai on 24 March 2015, I explored the trends in retail and e-commerce. From an innovation point of view, for retailers, digital means much more than just...

Retail & eCommerce
Keynote Igor Beuker: The Future of Retail & eCommerce

Publishers Get Profitable With Programmatic & Waterfalling

Igor Beuker - March 4, 2015

Publishers of magazines and newspapers have been under pressure for quite some years. An old journalism saying goes, “If it bleeds, it leads.” But terror attacks and plane crashes no longer seem to align...

Sports. Media. Entertainment.