igor beuker

Category: Big Data

Imagining the Future of Big-Data

Big-Data and data-driven brands offer numerous benefits to businesses, including improved decision-making, increased efficiency, better customer service, and higher returns on investment. Data-driven decisions are based on facts and insights from analyzing large amounts of data. This can identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that might otherwise be missed. Additionally, data-driven brands can generate more accurate predictions and forecasts, enabling companies to plan better for future growth. Businesses can reduce costs, minimize risks, and maximize profits using data-driven strategies.
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Sex, Secret & Spies. Did Cambridge Analytica Leak Political Preferences To Warlords? By Marketing Keynote Speaker Igor Beuker

Sexo, secretos y espías: el ajetreo y los trucos de Cambridge Analytica

Igor Beuker - March 28, 2018

El canal británico Channel 4 News le dio a Alexander Nix , director ejecutivo de Cambridge Analytica, una dosis de su propia medicina. Su video encubierto debería ser nominado al premio al periodismo de investigación del año. El desenlace del...

Big Data
The Secret To Data Driven Integrated Digital Marketing. By Pro Speaker, Author & Awakener Igor Beuker

El secreto del marketing digital integrado basado en datos

Igor Beuker - February 10, 2015

La mayoría de los CMO y sus agencias todavía piensan en términos de campañas publicitarias en lugar de programas de marketing digital integrados basados ​​en datos . Los directores de marketing de Mad Men. Los oímos rugir trimestralmente, mensualmente o,...

Big Data