Tel Aviv-based Brightmerge, the SaaS platform for optimizing renewable energy microgrids, has appointed Igor Beuker to join its advisory board. Beuker will support the company’s drive into scaling its marketing and innovation programs.

Brightmerge CEO and founder Daniel Schwab: Pleased That Igor Beuker Joins Our Advisory Board

Brightmerge CEO and founder Daniel Schwab: “I have worked with Igor in the past and he is a man who pushes big dreams into action, spurring massive cultural and technological change. A recognized social entrepreneur who’s giving back to humanity, and I’m convinced Igor will be able to help us to achieve our mission.”

Igor Beuker: “I’m really excited to work with Brightmerge because it’s a highly advanced Israeli clean energy platform, applying the technologies under the hood of Industry4.0 to guide the rapidly transforming energy industry. With my Israeli descent, it feels like going back to my roots.”

The Brightmerge Advisory Board Exists of Five Members

The Brightmerge founding team exists of 3 people: Daniel Schwab, CEO, 18 years in global tech and renewable energy sectors. Director BrightSource Energy Inc.; Founded, built and sold Kayema Energy to Fortune 500 company NRG Inc.

Keith Lehman, CTO. Over 16 Years in developed AI and Machine learning for companies such as Tokyo Electric Power, China Light and Power, Microsoft and Bank of America. Elkana Pressler, Business Development. Co-founded and led over $20m in startups with over 15 years of strategic product ownership and market development.


The company’s Advisory Board consists of four positions. Part of the board are Seth Kiner, Global Energy & Utility Strategic Advisor; Former VP Customer Programs & Services at Edison. Dr. Shalom Flank, MIT, Harvard Microgrid System Engineer and thought leader. Mark Schneider, Renewable finance specialist; Head of investments at Investec, National Australia Bank.

Eitan Katz, Former special advisor of the Israel Air Force accelerator,  created and ran Hewlett Packard Enterprise software incubator. Expert on Agile and SaaS/Cloud business models. Igor Beuker, Global Marketing Innovation Speaker, Social Entrepreneur, Futurist, and Activist.

About Brightmerge

Brightmerge, a Tel Aviv-based startup, provides an enterprise SaaS platform based on proprietary machine learning and big data decision-making solution to automate and optimize the design, development, build, and operation of energy microgrid systems. More info on

About the Author

In the spotlights, Igor Beuker is a top marketing innovation keynote speaker and futurist known for his foresight on trends and technologies that impact business, economy, and society. Behind the scenes, a serial entrepreneur with 5 exits and an angel investor in 24 social startups. Board member at next-level media firms, changemaker at Rolling Stone Culture Council, Hollywood sci-fi think tank pioneer, award-winning marketing strategist for Amazon, L’Oréal, Nike, and a seer for Fortune 500s, cities, and countries.